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SEN Offer

Special Educational Needs at Coxley School

Our ethos of providing challenging and stimulating learning includes pupils with special educational needs as we strive to ensure the highest possible success for all pupils regardless of their need.
As a small and very friendly school we can offer your child the highest individual care as we get to know your child extremely well during their time with us. In our two class school every member of our highly experienced staff will know your child and their needs exceptionally well and there is a huge emphasis on working closely with parents and carers.
Meetings regarding your child’s progress are informal and are centred around your child and include their thoughts and aspirations as well as parent, carer and teacher views.
The children stay in the same class for at least three years which means great consistency in teaching staff ensuring their social, emotional and educational needs are fully understood. The children know each other very well and are supportive and respectful towards each other. They get to know the school environment very well and quickly become confident, independent individuals.

For more information please see Somerset's Local Offer below and our own schools SEN Information Report. This was produced in collaboration with parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs. You can also contact the school on 01749 672719 to discuss your child's requirements.




Somerset SENDIAS


(Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information, Advice and Support) can give children, young people (aged 0 to 25) and their parent carers information, advice and support about SEND. This can include information on Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans.


Somerset Parent Carer Forum


Somerset Parent Carer Forum is an independent not for profit Community Interest Company formed by parent carers in 2016. The forum feels passionately about ensuring all our children have the best chance in life and receive the correct support and services in order to achieve their full potential.
