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Wraparound Care



Breakfast Club – sessions available Breakfast club runs from Monday to Friday every week, supervised by Mrs Ruddle.


8:00am – 8:40pm £5.00 (Breakfast Included)

8:15am – 8:40pm £4.50 (Breakfast included)

8:30pm – 8:40pm £2.00 (Childcare only, breakfast not included)


Sunshine Club – sessions available Sunshine club runs from a Monday to Friday every week, supervised by Mrs Ruddle. The Friday session finishes at 4:30pm.


A piece of fruit and a biscuit is offered to all children attending Sunshine Club. Children are initially given the opportunity to do some homework or log into their online learning platforms such as Bug Club and Doodle Maths, this is then followed by some time outside playing, they then come inside to do an activity in the classroom.


3:20pm – 5:30pm £6.00

3:20pm – 4:30pm £4.50

3:20pm – 4:00pm £3.50

4:15pm – 5:30pm £4.50


Our wraparound care service continues to be very popular and is increasingly being used by more and more of you. As a school we are very pleased to be able to assist parents with their childcare requirements and thank you all for utilising our wraparound care services.
