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Curriculum Statement


Students at Coxley Primary have an equal opportunity and entitlement to an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum. We are proud that we are an inclusive school, where everyone can access the learning and reach their potential. Our belief is that all young people should experience excellence in the classroom, opportunities for extra-curricular activities and have experiences that develop their knowledge of the wider world and different cultures whilst building strong links with our local community.


Quality of Education

Subject content, topic progression, time allocation, teaching and learning approaches for each curriculum subject reflect well defined curriculum end points, in order to achieve an outstanding quality of education. Students are taught within their year groups with appropriate differentiation to meet the needs of each individual. Additional support is delivered where appropriate in Phonics, Reading and Mathematics. Curriculum end points and progress towards meeting these end points will be reviewed on an annual basis, based upon the intent, implementation and impact approach.


Behaviour and Attitudes:

Our child-led approach to the curriculum ensures that pupil engagement levels are high as we developed well motivated learners with high levels of independence.  Clear routines and high expectations for behaviour underpinned by our six school values and are nurtured through positive reinforcement by all staff. Safeguarding is embedded deep into our curriculum, teaching children about how to keep themselves safe in the modern world.


Personal Development:

Physical, mental health and wellbeing are prioritised within our curriculum design. Children are given opportunities to develop their understanding of British Values and exhibit spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.  All pupils have the opportunity to take part in enrichment activities that allow them to be creative through art, music, sport or just experience something new. Personal development extends beyond the classroom with our ‘House Team’ system providing opportunities for children to play an active role in:

  • Raising money for their own chosen charity
  • Engage with our local community
  • Make decisions that influence the life of the school
  • Develop personal safety and wellbeing
  • Supporting projects that tackle global issues such as pollution

Coxley Curriculum Threads

Coxley Curriculum Threads - Click to view as a PDF.

Curriculum Subject Overviews - UNDER REVIEW








