2022 proved to be a good year for Coxley Primary School with good scores in all formalised assessments after fantastic efforts by the teachers, staff and of course the children across the school.
The key highlights are listed below:
Foundation Stage: The average total point score for children in EYFS was 35.5 which is better than the 2018 national average of 34.6
Year 1 Phonics Screening: 3 out of 4 pupils reached the required standard and the other child making superb in year progress
Year 2: Reading results were strong with 6 out of 8 children reaching the standard
Year 6: Progress from KS1 to KS2 was strong in Reading
Year 6: Average scaled scores were higher than the national average in Reading and broadly in line for Maths and SPaG
Year 6: Average scaled scores were higher than the county averages in Reading, SPaG and Maths