Home Page


Coxley School is a village school for children aged 4 to 11 years. Our most recent Ofsted inspection (July 2023) found many strengths of the school and reflected it's popularity with parents and the local community.

We are a very friendly school with a lovely family atmosphere and promote a strong sense of care, responsibility and self-confidence amongst the children as well as an enjoyment for learning. We have very high expectations in regards to behaviour as well as exceptionally high expectations of our children academically and they make good progress during their time here.
We have some amazing facilities for a village school which include:


  • A school field with a full sized football pitch, orchard area and activity area.
  • The Forest School area with an outdoor shelter, pond, storytelling and an art area.
  • A playground which includes a games area, target area, an active area and a quiet zone for board games and reading.
  • High quality IT equipment which includes Clevertouch screen teaching boards, iPads for our infant and junior pupils and touch screen Chromebooks
  • Nuture / ELSA space
  • Hall
  • Group Room


All our staff know our children very well as they work with them closely during their time at our school. We have two classes, an infant class (Key Stage 1) and a junior class (Key Stage 2) which means the children have the same teacher for three years in the infant class and for four years in the junior class. There is no wasted time every year in ‘getting to know the children’ and as a result our attainment and standards are very good with all children making equally good progress.
Our small status means that every child counts and no child gets missed. Every child has to play a part in our school whether it’s in our regular school productions, part of our School Parliament or in our School Houses. As a result we pride ourselves in our pupils having a large say in what happens at Coxley School and the bonus to this is we help nurture confident, independent leaders and team players.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have. If you are thinking about enrolling your child at Coxley School we are very happy to arrange a tour of the school and a chat with the Head Teacher. Information regarding admissions can be found in the 'Key Information' section. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information.

Our Key Information and Curriculum page has lots more information about the school which will give you a flavour of the type of teaching and learning that takes place.

Thank you for visiting!
