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If you have a concern about a child in our care please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below as soon as possible.

Please report all concerns regardless.



Contact details

Hayley Hamblin



Designated Safeguarding Lead

01749 672719

or through the school office


Carrieann Cavell


Chair of Governors

or through the school office


Philip Wilcox



Nominated Safeguarding Governor

or through the school office

Dan Vidler


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

01749 672719

or through the school office

Samuel Hughes Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

01749 672719

or through the school office 

Safeguarding Statement and Ethos


Our school is committed to promoting the welfare of all children by working in partnership with parents and carers, the Local Authority (LA) and multi-agency partners in early help and child protection, in accordance with locally agreed Somerset Safeguarding Children Board procedures and practices.

Our policy applies to members of the school community in its widest sense. Thus this includes children and young people, their parents/carers, school staff, governors, visitors, specialist staff, and the local and wider community where they interface with the school.

To emphasise the caring ethos of our school, the staff and governors are committed to the following principles:-

  • The welfare and well-being of each child is of paramount importance.
  • Our policy works on the premise that abuse takes place in all communities and that school staff are particularly well-placed to identify and refer concerns and also to act to prevent children and young people from being abused.
  • We respect and value each child as an individual.
  • We are a listening school, and encourage an environment where children feel free to talk, knowing that they will be listened to.
  • The protection of children from abuse is a whole-school issue, and the responsibility therefore of the entire school community.
  • Regular training will ensure all adults in school are aware of indicators of concern or abuse and the designated safeguarding leads that such information should be promptly passed on to.
  • Our policy will be developed and kept up to date with information from our relevant partners in early help and child protection as well as national documentation issued by HM Government and The Department of Education.
  • We will use the school curriculum to resource our children to protect themselves from abuse, both as victims and as potential perpetrators.

Safeguarding within this school

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, to prevent concerns from escalating. Schools and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children working with social care, the police and health services both to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.


Safeguarding throughout school life

We aim to create and maintain a caring ethos where all children and adults feel safe, secure and valued. If children feel happy and enjoy school this will encourage good attendance and then create conditions in which they can do their best in every area of school life.  Our school operates as a listening school where children are able to approach adults with concerns. These will be taken seriously and relevant Somerset Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) procedures followed without delay if there is a risk/likelihood of, or actual significant harm. 


Working with parents and carers

Our school believes in effective communication with parents and carers. We welcome parent/carer views and concerns about the welfare of their children and use this feedback to regularly review our practices.

Parental views are obtained in the following ways:

  • Questionnaires
  • Parents evenings
  • Workshops (Anti-bullying, e-safety, art and craft afternoons)
  • Phone calls
  • Meet and Greet sessions at the beginning of the year.
  • Individual Meetings when necessary.


Safeguarding and Child Protection training for all staff/adults working in school

Our school complies with the advice laid down in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children July 2018' and ‘Keeping children safe in education’ 2019 to undertake regular training.

Whistleblowing and Staff Code of Conduct Policies
