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Hot Meals

To order meals for your child, please click on the link below and submit your choices.


For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 there is no charge for a meal as this is part of the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meal Scheme.  Meals are ordered for a whole term.


For Children in years 3 - 6 meals can be ordered at a cost of £2.55 a meal.  Once an order has been placed, the school will issue an email to confirm the payment required. Meals are ordered for half a term.



Yarley Class


Please complete the link by 9am on Wednesday 6th April to order meals for your child for the whole term, through to Tuesday 26th July.


Hay Class


Hay Class can purchase a meal at £2.50 per meal for the half term.  Hay Class is half termly due to cost.  Please chose 'not required' for the 22/7 - 26/7 at the end of the form.  Meals for after May Half term will be sent home next term for Hay Class to order. Please complete the link by 9am on Wednesday 6th April to order meals.




Any pupil in receipt of Free School Meals can order their meals for the whole term (until Tuesday 26th ). Please complete the link by 9am on Wednesday 6th April to order meals.
