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Friends of Coxley School

Welcome to the Friends of Coxley webpage.

Our aim is to have fun while helping to improve the school environment for the children. Please come along and get involved in as much or as little as you like. If you'd like to get involved please contact the school office to find out more.

The Friends of Coxley School update
Dear all,

Following the recent AGM meeting we have made many exciting plans for us and our children for the next year, to help to raise invaluable funds for our school.
These events include a Halloween disco; Christmas meal, Xmas fayre, afternoon tea and a May fayre; the dates for these events are to follow.
Each year the friends raise around £1000 from such fun events which goes towards essential equipment, our kids school trips out and other school developments. Glastonbury stewards double this profit too with their hard work at the festival!!!
You will have noticed the major refurb of the school hall, which the friends ££ went towards. We were able to support this project by paying for furniture and paint for the new resource room. These projects would not be possible without such valuable contributions from the friends of the school.
Over the years, we have used the 'friends' money to pay for the wooden play equipment; towards the conservation area and many, many exciting school outings.
The money we raise is essential. School budgets are stretched and we would really, struggle without such fundraising.
So, we need more of you to come and support the 'friends'. It would be great for us to at least double our team! You never know, we might all (parents and children) enjoy ourselves too. Find us on Facebook at friends of Coxley School. If nothing else it might be helpful to find out where that stray school jumper has gone!
