Home Page


Our children to day are growing up in an ever changing world of communication technologies with everything from television to smartphones.  As a school we embrace these new technologies and the possibilities they bring.  However, we are also aware of the importance of teaching the children to stay safe as well as our role in helping you stay informed.

This page will contain information and updates on how to keep children safe and provide links to further sources of information.

In the event that the children and/or staff at Coxley are required to stay home and isolate due to a partial or full school closure, we will endeavour to offer engaging work for the children using our Google Classroom platform. This work will be a blend of teaching videos and learning activities for the children to complete at home. Live streaming using Google Meet on our Google Classroom platform will only be used where it enhances the remote learning for our pupils e.g. for check-in sessions where children need some help with the set work and in some instances to deliver SEND provision or interventions.

E-Safety Online Policy

Children's Acceptable Use of the Internet in School

Our Internet. Our Choice. From the Safer Internet Centre
